Life Sustaining Treatment
One element of the Health and Welfare Lasting Power of Attorney (LPA) is for you to decide whether you would like your chosen attorneys to be able to make decisions regarding Life Sustaining Treatment.
Life Sustaining Treatment is treatment which a doctor feel is necessary to keep you alive. This can be care, surgery or medicine.
The decision for a person making an LPA to consider is not whether they want life sustaining treatment or not. The decision is whether they wish to give their attorneys the right to give or refuse life sustaining treatment at the time you might need it.
If you give your attorneys the right to give or refuse life sustaining treatment they will be able to speak to doctors as if they were you. It is always advisable to speak to your attorneys about your thoughts and wishes about this at the time you make your LPA.
If you do not wish for your attorneys to make that decision, doctors or medical professionals may still take into consideration their views but the ultimate decision will lie with them.
If you wish to discuss life sustaining treatment in more detail or you wish to make an LPA call us now on 01257 686386.