Do I need a Lasting Power of Attorney?
A Lasting Power of Attorney (LPA) is a document which allows you to appoint certain people to make decisions for you in later life when you are no longer able to make decisions for yourself. These people are called your Attorneys.
Your attorneys are under a legal duty to act in your best interests.
There are two types of LPA, one for Property & Financial Affairs such as selling houses, setting up direct debits and withdrawing cash from a cash machine. The second is for Health & Welfare decisions such as what type of care you receive, where you receive that care and for decisions regarding Life Sustaining Treatment.
The purpose of the LPA is to give you peace of mind that your affairs will be managed, and you will be looked after in the event you lose mental capacity. Whilst you still have mental capacity you can still make all decisions yourself.
An LPA is only valid once it has been registered with the Office of the Public Guardian. In addition, your Attorneys can only make decisions under an LPA for Health and Welfare decisions when you have lost mental capacity.
You may never need to use your LPAs but having them is a great safety net for later life.
If you wish to discuss making Lasting Powers of Attorney call us now on 01257 686386.